Newest from the studio ~

Different ideas fusing into something I didn’t expect.
As you might have figured out by now, I am deeply in love with drawing the flower of life mandala. It’s been a thing for about a year. It continues to morph and shift and inform me in ways that I could not have anticipated.
The photo above is a perfect example. These are four “house” plaques. The idea came to me when I hung a larger version in my studio, right by the door. I could feel the lovely positive, grounding energy it offered, and I thought it would be nice to create more of them.
These ones pictured are 2.5″ wide by 8″ tall and just about 3/4″ thick. They are created on fir planks.
Of course each one is created by hand, and in fact, each one will be custom created, to allow you to pick the colour you want from these four choices. (You know I don’t mass-produce things!)
My desire is to create a symbol of calm and connectedness in our homes, so that we have a “touch-stone” to rely on everyday.
If you are interested in having one for yourself, or as a gift, please reach out and let me know.
The cost is $30. plus shipping.

These are the current journals available.
The journals continue to be quite a popular item, which delights me that people love them, and they want to write!!!
Each journal has 96 white writing/drawing pages, plus decorative divider pages between the three sections. They lay flat, no matter where you open them, which is a very nice feature indeed.
The mandala on the cover is a one-of-a-kind original that has been protected, so it will last well.
They are hand-stitched with cotton thread … which is a lot more fun than you might think!
If you are interested, please drop me a line.
Price: $45.00 each plus shipping.

There are still 2024 Calendars available … with 79 pretty fun and fabulous days to celebrate!
Another something to bring some joy and a wee bit of laughter into your world.
$20. plus shipping.

May new ideas come together and fuse in a way you never expected!
May delight follow you like the sun!