Take the next easy step!
Never has the phrase, “Take the next easy step …” been needed more in my life!
Somehow I must have known this when I designed my 2022 calendar, that February was going to need an everyday reminder to just take the next easy step.
Life is full … and in January it was even fuller of life and death events, tugs to old worlds and the ominous reality of finding a new home.
Any one of those things really would have been enough. Really. But, oh no … apparently we had to do them in tandem. YIKES!
In all of it, I just kept reminding myself that nothing lasts forever, that each day I was closer to the trauma and drama being over. It was all about staying in the present moment, while acknowledging that it will change.
And, of course it did. A little over a week ago, we secured a new home. To say that it is beyond anything we had been dreaming up, would be a severe understatement. It is amazing in ways that go deep into my bones.
I will tell you more about that as time goes by … and introduce you to this new adventure, once we get settled.
For now, and the rest of the month of February, I am going to heed the advice of my friend and mentor, Liz Garratt …
If it isn’t easy, it isn’t the next step!”
The new desktop wallpaper for February
This follows in the footsteps of my printed calendar … just something nice to share. (if you would like a calendar for your wall, I still have a few and they are on sale in my shop!)
This should be a simple right click to make it your desktop image … if you have problems, please contact me and I will email you the file.
I hope you enjoy it!
Things continue to be completed in the studio … although I am not sure how.
I have dedicated myself to finishing things in the studio, and not moving anything undone to the new house.
Each day, I move things along in a quiet and peaceful way. There is no rush, just a desire to complete things and move them to their next home.
These are two of the pieces that I have been working on for the past several weeks. The panel has been in my studio, waiting patiently, for about 2 years.
The table, named Charlotte, was a gift from two lovely people who bought one of my tables, and then gave me their old one to rework and sell. Now that’s the kind of support you don’t see everyday!

I encourage you to purge your stuff …
One of the biggest lessons in this move is, we all hang on to way too much stuff. We don’t go through things and toss them, or give them away, nearly as often as would be good for us.
And why is that? Because it’s hard. And why is it hard? Because we allow it to pile up.
The other thing is, we have attachment to things. Or we think we might need it some day.
My most embrassing moment of this packing up, was finding a container stored in the basement, filled with coloured glass that belonged to my father. I had forgotten all about it. All of that beautfiul glass has been sitting in a dark container in the basement for almost 17 years!! That is shameful in a way, and certainly does not honour the makers of those lovely pieces.
There are many other things that will not move to the next house, and what makes me feel good about moving these things along is where they are going.
The books are off to Well Read Books, which uses the proceeds of sales to fund all of their literacy programs.
All of the other stuff is going to friends or to Haven Society Thrift Shop, whose mission is: “to promote the integrity and safety of women, children, youth and families and the development of a respectful and healthy community.”
It feels lovely to clean and carefully wrap things up to give away. To send them off with intention that just the right person will find what they need, at a price they can afford, and the item goes on to be useful once more.

photo by Wendy Morisseau
And here we are, at another New Year … the Chinese Year of the Tiger. There will be lots of energy with this one, that’s for sure!
I am off to purge another cupboard or two, and do a bookstore and record store run … so we can have some floor space back, and stop freaking the cats out!
Cheers to February! Stay well and happy.