You never know how things are going to unfold, until they do.
Here we are in times of great uncertainty. But when I put this calendar together over a year ago, I didn’t know how true the statement I made for November would be. We are all finding ways to cope with the barrage of what is going on globally and locally, at least I hope we are. I took a wee break from the news cycle to recalibrate my being, and that was a very, very good thing to do. It’s not that I wish to bury my head in the sand, it’s that I wish to keep my grounding as the world around shifts in some extraordinarily troubling ways.
Sometimes I ask myself, what would a wise mentor tell me to do right now? One of my long-gone, guardian ancestors or loved ones. I lean toward finding strength, courage and stamina from those who have gone before me. Their wisdom, and sometimes even their foibles will give me a good idea of how to weather a tough time. What I know for sure is, we can’t do any of this alone.
So, here is one method of getting that wisdom from long-gone love-ones … write them a letter asking for their advice. See what comes up … because for sure, something will.
Whatever the days and weeks, months and years ahead bring to us, we all need to find the things that spark joy and connection within us. This is my wish for everyone.
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I have fallen in love with The Flower of Life mandala!
And what a perfect thing to fall in love with at this time … the inter-connectedness of all forms of living things!
Yes, it is now appearing on many things … journal covers, boxes, pencil/pen holders … and a new, soon-to-be-announced item that I am working on.
Each of these pieces is the same pattern, but look at how they change! This has become a whole new sort of mandala meditation for me and an endless place of joy and focus.

As my creative world continues to shift and change, and I allow all possibilities to exist, there is a renewed commitment to sharing the good things in life with those who are open to them.
Wishing you a wonder-filled November!

Yes to periodic breaks in social media, news cycles, whatever might give us angst that is not at all essential to life.
I love the idea of writing to an ancestor for advice. Sometimes, I think it might be quite funny. I’m sure my maternal grandmother, the only “baba” I had in my life, would tell me to consider what the neighbours might say! LOL She was quite concerned with those appearances.
Your mandalas continue to morph into wonderful new designs. I cannot wait to see what this newest item will be Sarah! You always amaze me with your innovations and creations. Namaste, Stephanie
Thank you so much Stephanie! Yes, for sure, some of our ancestors would give us cheeky advice … I know my sister would. In a dream where I asked her if she could help me move and furnish my apartment, she took me on a stealing spree to other people’s houses. I woke up laughing! My father and my mother could give me either sage advice or silly advice, depending on the timing.
The new designs will be revealed shortly. Thanks for your support and patience! ~s
Such beauty and very wise advice! Just think, we’ll be ancestors one day.
Yes we will … and look at how wise we are NOW!!