I trust my own wise self is the calendar page for August … and here, for your desktop is one you can use.
And when I say I trust my own wise self and other voices, here’s what I mean:
Currently I am in a time when so much good stuff is coming right to me. Wisdom, from within and serendipidous things from all around me. The messages I am getting are so clear and clean and supportive. They are affirming everything that I have come to understand about this time in life and a great deal of the moving parts.
For the first time in quite awhile, I am feeling much calmer and clearer on how to move forward. I recently uncovered a major reason for the lack of calm, and it is now been expunged from my life. Hey, there’s a word I have never used before, expunged. Great word!
A new world is opening up for me, but it has not come without a lot of restlessness, worry and a good dose of fear. Of course, my natural defense against those gremlins it to hold faith, trust and gratitude firmly in front of me. I think now I really need to add a double dose of patience to the mix, in order to get the balance of needed elements.
Some of the great celebratory days on the calendar this month: International Beer Day (5th) , International Cat Day (8th), World Lion Day and World Calligraphy Day (10th), World Elephant Day (12th), International Left Handed Day (13th), World Honey Bee Day (20th), and International Bacon Day (27th). I trust everyone will find something fun to celebrate!
I hope this month brings you a new level of trust in yourself!

This is how they turned out …
They both feel as though they have a whole new life ahead of them as treasure boxes … a sweet feeling indeed!

Yes, compendium has made it to proof stage!
After too long a break in the action, compendium 10 is now just about completed. One more proof and it will go to print.
As I was beginning this one, I sat with the previous nine issues and looked at them closely. What worked, what didn’t work as well, what were the things that wanted to come forward. Compendium 10 is also where I give more space to my partner Mary Ann Moore, since without her, I would never get an issue out the door. She supports my idea, proofs the pages and makes sure I am fed and watered.
I look forward to see where this project is going to lead me, because for sure, it isn’t done with me yet!

photo by Wendy Morisseau
“So, my recipe for thriving is very simple: find ways to open your imagination and use it …” Jaime Meyer
This came from a much longer article on social media and the pitfalls within it. A very timely thing for me to read, as I navigate my way around it and find new ways to be without it.
May you thrive in all that you do … and celebrate at least one of the less traditional days of the month, as mentioned above.
All the best,
I will wait – patiently, impatiently – to see that issue 10(!) of Compendium is available! Ten, Sarah! A celebratory milestone 💝
And I have to say that I am so very curious about the “how” of discovering what was robbing you of calm. I always struggle with the discovery piece of my own issues, impediments to joy or triggers of angst, anger, aha discoveries.
If you have a book or methodology to share, maybe it could be in Issue 11?
Thank you as always for your so kind and gentle words of wisdom Sarah 💖
Thank you Stephanie, I so appreciate your enthusiasm for compendium 10 and the milestone that it is. I wish I could articulate the “how” of my recent discovery, but it was so many things that seemed to all appear. It was no longer being in the situation that allowed me to see it for what it really was, and how much it affected me. The AHA! came in the form of choosing to do something in my life that I never would have done in the previous situation. I started to wonder why that was, and ta da … the answers started to unfold. So, a long way to say, I guess I stay curious about things and think that I am becoming more attuned to the shifts and changes in me. ~s
Always look forward to reading what has come forward for you in your posts. So glad you are feeling calmer and happy to learn that you have made peace with your gremlins for found your way to living with them in a relaxed way. So looking forward to Compendium 10. Lots of love and big hugs to you as you continue your journey of creativity, Love the boxes
Thank you Beth … I look forward to sharing compendium 10 very shortly!!