The seasonal shift has been dramatic in many ways.
I’ve known this all along, but every once in awhile it’s good to remind myself to treat
ME as I would a cherished friend.
As many things are shifting with a certain dramatic overtone, I remind myself to be gentle during times of transition and tension. We are never meant to stay static, but sometimes the shifts we are required to make are larger than anything that feels in a comfort zone.
Last Thursday, in the middle of the night, our neighbour’s house burned to the ground. We were wakened by another neighbour, when the house was already fully ablaze. It was terrifying for everyone. All human occupants of the house escaped, a cherished pet gerbil perished.
There was no time to do anything, they could only get out.
As all of us stood around watching things unfold, we were faced with the vulnerability and helplessness of a natural disaster. We stood, looking out at all the trees that surround us, and felt blessed it was not August, when the damage would have been so much worse. Counting blessings in that moment was all we could do.
Yes, we are officially in FIRE SEASON now, and it is rattling me in deep ways. How do I deal with my own helplessness? Perhaps my father’s words come forth now … plan for the worst, hope for the best.
So I plan and prepare.
Although I stayed calm that night, I have not slept well at all since. The smoke from fires burning hundreds of miles away permeates the air here and I am constantly reminded of the danger.
So, I will treat myself gently as I would a good friend and guide myself back from the feeling of being helpless, to a place where I feel prepared for the inevitable and unexpected realities of life.

Photo of Diana Hayes
by Ramona Lam
house of appleton is thrilled to announce Language of Light,
poems by Diana Hayes
You may wonder how I can go from talking about vulnerability and helplessness, to introducing you to Diana’s beautiful new work … but the transition is natural.
Language of Light is a tribute and honouring of Frances Mary Hayes, Diana’s beloved mother and best friend. Within these pages you feel the depth of love and loss, how Diana found navigated one of the most difficult journey’s of our lives.
After she passed away, I found myself unprepared for what death and grief required of me. To navigate this barren field, I sought far-away places and ancient traditions––for solace, for healing, for soul-connection. These journeys took me to the Temple of Good Will and the Fulni-ô ceremonies in Brazil, to Meteora, the Oracle of Delphi, the Corycean Caves, and Skala Eresou in Greece. I was assisted by a blind monk at the Buddhist stupa in Pā’ia, Maui. Ultimately, it was poetry that lifted the veil for my inconsolable heart and revealed the indisputable oneness of our true nature. ~ Diana Hayes
This book is a LIMITED EDITION of 80 copies.
My profound and enduring thanks to Diana for asking me to be a part of this project. It was such a rich journey and to now be able to share it with the world, feels tremendous!

May the connections you make to yourself and others this month, be rich and deep and life-affirming!
Wishing you a wonder-filled June.
Thanks, Sarah, for the reminders of how short and unpredictable life can be and how we must plan and prepare. Also, Language of Light looks like a beautiful book. You are doing good work.
Thank you Carol, I so appreciate your thoughtful words! ~s
Sarah you are an inspiration in all that you are and do. Yes be kind and gentle with yourself and remind yourself you are safe and well prepared. Lots of love to you during this difficult and celebratory time. Beth
Thank you Beth, I feel your love and support across the miles! ~s