the writer in me
compelling words for others, and a periodical to share

The sort of writing I am good at:
- creating stories from the nuggets of information that people give me
- simplifying language and making it understandable and compelling for the audience
- engaging the reader and making them feel like what is written is just for THEM!
- describing what you do from a fresh perspective and in an upbeat way
- writing artist bio’s from scraps of information
- creating tag lines that really enhance the product or service
- finding the perfect few words for an advertisement
If words aren’t as fun for you, as they are for me, let’s see if I can help you.
People tell me I have a way with words, and I am finally accepting that as a gift I can offer in the world.
I love language and all the possibilities that exist when the right words are chosen to express a story or idea. I’ve always seen language as playful and engaging.
As a graphic designer I have come across many, many times when the copy given to me for a layout lacks luster. Yes, I have a tendency to rewrite client copy if I think it will serve the situation better, and I don’t think I’ve ever had someone refuse my words.
Of course, it also helps that I see things from the outside, and so am able to tell a story from a different perspective, often one where I know nothing. That’s sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? It’s not. When you know little about something, you have to strive to explain it to someone else who knows nothing about it. This works to the advantage of the reader, and ultimately to the advantage of the client.
I am also known for writing pretty amazing “tag lines” or positioning statements … again because I see other people’s enterprises from a viewer perspective and how they might engage their audience.
If you are in need of some new words to enhance and enliven your world, I am happy to see what I can offer. Please drop me an email and let's start the conversation!
And then there is what I write and share with the world … compendium

This is the cover of the latest issue … compendium 10
An exciting milestone!
compendium: ideas from a curious life is a periodical of life stories and thoughts, of wisdom gained and lessons learned.
It is quirky and a tad unpredictable, although there are some areas I cover in each issue.
It is words and images blended together to tell the story of my world as it has unfolded, and as it continues to unfold.
This project was gifted to me after a long period of exploration into what has shaped my life. Turning 60 put me on a roll to creating something that I hope is both interesting and inspiring.
Doing a traditional book didn’t interest me because it would leave out so much of who I am. So, I decided a 24-page periodical format (magazine) on a somewhat irregular basis, would give me lots of flexibility to share a whole bunch of stuff.
The Shape of My Life section seems to allow me to write things from a perspective that has no judgement or angst, just my view of life as it has unfolded.
Of course there will be mandalas … but there will also be things I have learned in all areas of my life. And there will always be something about pens!
compendium gives me the chance to use my design skills and playfulness, all in one pretty neat little package!

Issue 1 “Inqusitive” ~ Tells the reason this whole project got started … a reflection on 60 years of life. It includes my Manifesto about Loose Threads, shows mandalas of course and my daily practice using mandalas. The core of the isue is, what has shaped my life, this is the ongoing exploration that is compendium. There is some funny stuff about wine, life lessons and life essentials. A section of tea, but not exactly what you would expect. I explore some aspects of the creative life, tell stories, share things I love … including a poem from my partner Mary Ann Moore. And there is more … the stuff that’s in my head.
Issue 2 “Connections” ~ Open it up and you are greeted with an amazing painting called Rowboat, by Jane Garcia, followed by gratitude for the support I have felt for this proejct. I wrote Part 1 of a piece about Franklin Fletcher Appleton, my grandfather, who was instrumental in creating a Canadian publishing identity is the 1940s. You can meet all of my alter egos … there are quite a few, get some very wise “sisterly” advice, and read a story about the magic that is all around us. Some of the pens and pencils in my ever-growing collection. More of the curious stuff that is in my head at any given time!
Issue 3 “Listen to Yourself” ~ I always share mandalas in some form or another, because they really are the centre of my world. As is creativity, so there is creative musings. A tribute to my father, Robert F. Clark, as well as honouring the women who have served as my grandmother’s over my life time. Part 2 about my grandfather, F.F. Appleton. Some things I adore. My certificate from Mother Michael’s School of Fine Kwizeen. My favourite and most collectible pens. Some handlettering … and other bits and pieces to entertain and inform!

Issue 4 “A Practice of Reverence” ~ Starting with a photo of a magical place near my home, I honour reverence of all things. There is a showcase of recent writing desks I have painted, life lessons and life essentials, as always. A tribute to my mother, Kathleen Elenor Clark. Dealing with the ongoing issue of wearing a dress … how this has been a constant irritant in my life! I have shared a new practice of photographing my garden, a new manifesto, for my changing times, a poem by Mary Ann Moore, book review of The Enchanted Life, by Sharon Blackie, and a piece about pens (of course)!
Issue 5 “Connected” ~ This is about honouring our connections and making deeper ones. I share my idea of what sacred stewardship is and how I want to take this on in a bigger way. There is the art of letter writing, my mind wandering, everyday essentials, a tribute to my brother Michael Clark. Some bits and pieces “for life”. Modern Words for Beauty, a poem by Mary Ann Moore. There are mandalas of course, and some bits on the creative journey. A review of Sharon Blackie’s book, If Women Rose Rooted, which I think is a MUST READ! Some photos from the garden project .. and pens … yes, always pens!!
compendium #6 ~inner wisdom
I explore inner wisdom, the memory of a place I still revisit in my head …. and … a bit about the creative journey I find myself on, including the process of creating compendium. I share some old comforts … yes, there is a recipe for awesome Corn Bread, and what it means to me to have a full heart. I have introduced a cast of fabulous felines who have all been a part of shaping my life!
There are old stationery items to share and a dream that won’t go away … and a little more about wine.
I share with you a beautiful poem by Mary Ann Moore, called Fawn Lilies and an amazing photo of an owl from my friend Wendy Morriseau.

compendium #7 ~ nourish your soul first
I’ve really enjoyed putting this issue together, and like other issues, it took me to places I didn’t expect. It calmed me down and focussed me on things right in front of me. It awakened my desire to connect with the people who choose to read it. In this latest issue you will find: a wee bit of inner wisdom, some observations from the garden and some rare moments from nature. There is everyday stuff and curiosities, an introduction to some great writing nourishment and a piece on my latest font love! Of course there is the centre section, which is always “the shape of my life”, where this whole thing started. And just for fun … a page called “the stuff in my head” … a curious place to go at any time.
compendium #8 ~
oh so grateful
Issue 8 was a special one, it was written for people who had been regualr readers since the beginning. It was not for sale, it was a gift from me to them.
Being grateful for all that is in my life is a big theme for me. The older I get, the more grateful I am. This is the dedication that I wrote to the people who have supported me from the start.
compendium #9 ~
coming back
A long time between issues, but it felt good to come back to create issue 9. It unfolded as largely about PLAYING.
I was doing a lot of doodling in my journal and I started to become fascinated by the small drawings.
There is a lovely story about the power of good that mandalas bring … a real life thing that a customer shared with me.
Fountain pen wisdom made an appearance … it’s funny what a pen will ask you to write! And a little bit about the power of wisdom and letting go.

compendium #10 ~ Be Who You Are
Another long-awaited issue, but once again rushing an issue is not something that I am ever in the mood to do. Yes, that is the beauty of having my own publication with my own rules!
This issue is about intention and connection, to self and others. I have written about the land I am so very fortunate to live on now, a move after 17 years in the same spot.
I have given more space to my partner Mary Ann Moore, to share her poetry and stories too!
And for those of you who would like to write better … a place to practice the alphabet!