Things continue to unfold in some really delightful ways!

Writing has become a central theme for me lately.
As anyone who knows anything about me knows, I love words. I love where a single word can take me.
Of course a lot of wordy things are happening around the three chapbooks from house of appleton … visualize me bathing in a sea of beautiful words, and you will pretty much get it.
But something else about words and writing has emerged into the forefront for me, and that is copywriting. I’ve always done it … boldly suggesting changes to client copy when I was just supposed to be designing the thing. Oh well, it’s just the way I roll I guess.
So, in honour of this piece of my skill set coming up again, and again … I am going to formally put it out there to do copywriting for other people! As I told a friend recently, I have a lot of words just sitting around the studio that don’t seem to be getting used … so why not share them with other people.
(This is when I wish I could draw and do the cartoon that goes with that imagery.)
One thing I do know for sure is, I have been able to take copy from a client and distill it cleanly to get a point across quickly, and as it turns out, a lot of people can’t do that.
So if you or someone you know are ever at a loss for words, I would love to help you out.
Of course I also updated my website to reflect this, appropriately called “writer” …. HERE.

I am delighted to present the 2023 On a Positive Note Colour Pack.
At the end of last year, as my stock of colour packs was running out, I decided to take another look at what was there. Of course I have been colouring those particular mandalas for a long time, so some of them felt “done” to me. That’s when I decided to cull the pack for what would stay and what would go.
The final result was: 24 new mandala frames, and 6 from the original pack.
I’ve been enjoying the new frames tremendously.
If you are interested in starting your own daily colouring practice, you will find them in the shop … HERE

These are just a few of the new mandalas that I have already coloured … to “check them out” and see if they really were interesting.
My conclusion is YES, they really are.

house of appleton has a new book client … yippee! I won’t reveal more than that right now, but let’s just say this: I am honoured to work with another amazing poet whose words make the world a better place!

May your enjoy a week filled with really good words!