Spring is in the air, and in me!

There is an unfolding happening in me that is quite a surprise and certainly a delight. 

There seem to be moments in life where a large shift happens. That’s what life for me feels like right now. 

Setting out on yet another new path with house of appleton, I have given myself “permission” to expand and explore in ways that I don’t think I was capable of, even a year ago. 

Nothing is off the table right now. Everything gets its due consideration … how might this fit with other things that are going on? It’s all about seeing each piece in a new way, and maybe giving it in a different place.

Yes, I have puzzles on the brain. Mary Ann has been doing them lately and I even see those differently than when I did them with my dad. I like seeing how my brain connects with them in a way it didn’t before. 

Today I have three completely clean and clear work surfaces in my studio … and that gives me such a great feeling of a fresh and open beginning to all that is next. 

I must say, I don’t remember a spring that has done what this one is doing for me … WOW!


On April 3rd, the official launch of house of appleton and its first three books took place at the North Branch of the Vancouver Island Regional Library. It was nothing short of completely and totally AMAZING! 

The space was perfect. Our host, Librarian Darby Love, had set everything up just right. It was a large enough room and it was quiet. When the poets each read, there was a joyful silence, as everyone was listening and there were no distractions.

If we had planned each and every moment of that day, we could not have made it more perfect than it was.

Thank you to MJ Burrows, Sea-Washed Stones, Marlene Dean, Because Things Are, and Mary Ann Moore, Mending, for the most enjoyable poetry reading that anyone has ever been to! And for raising the bar on all future house of appleton events!

Sarah J Clark

This is me on the Official Launch Day for the three chapbooks … and here is the picture of my grandfather standing behind and fussing with his White Circle Series books … sometime in the 1940s.

I felt him standing with me on the big launch day, and every day since.

I am so grateful for all the loving support I am receiving with the launch of house of appleton … I am so very, very blessed.
